Central controller FP-MC-CR8220LM

The controller is a compact solution for controlling multi-compressor units and condensers. Their main characteristics:
• Configurable operator interface.
• Configurable menu.
• Archive of accidents.
• Built-in battery to keep the real time clock running.
• Power regulation based on inlet (suction) pressure, up to 15 steps of compressor performance.
• Condensation control based on outlet pressure (discharge), up to 6 stages of fan performance.
• Control of stepless control devices for fans and compressors, such as inverters and speed controllers, using analog signals 0...20 mA and 0...10V.
• Wide range of control algorithms.
• Availability of an RS-485 interface communication port (Modbus RTU).
• Digital compressor blocking inputs, as well as separate digital inputs for low and high pressure switches and a multi-function configurable input.

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